Sounds: Heather Heywood

Photo of Heather Heywood

“Heather Heywood is one of the finest singers of her generation. Ask anybody among her peers to name their favourite singers, and the name Heather Heywood will be mentioned again and again. ……” Sheena Wellington.

Tracks: Up and Awa’ Wi’ the Laverock, Two Bonny Boys, Logie o’ Buchan, The Bonnie Wee Lassie Who Never Said No, Queen Among the Heather, Birnie Bouzle, Jamie Raeburn, The Auchengeich Disaster, The Lowlands of Holland, The Baron o’ Brackley, The Terror Time, The Lichtbob’s Lassie, Farewell to Whisky.

SAMPLE SOUND FILES from Lasses Fair and Laddies Braw

Sound Clip: Heather Heywood – Logie O’ Buchan

Sound Clip: Heather Heywood – The Baron O’ Brackley

Sound Clip: Heather Heywood – The Terror Time

Sound Clip: Heather Heywood – Annie of Roch Royal

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Heather Heywood

Lasses Fair and Laddies Braw
Scots songs and ballads by Heather Heywood – LTCD1007

Tracks: Up and Awa’ Wi’ the Laverock, Two Bonny Boys, Logie o’ Buchan, The Bonnie Wee Lassie Who Never Said No, Queen Among the Heather, Birnie Bouzle, Jamie Raeburn, The Auchengeich Disaster, The Lowlands of Holland, The Baron o’ Brackley, The Terror Time, The Lichtbob’s Lassie, Farewell to Whisky.

By Yon Castle Wa’ – Heather Heywood
Greentrax CDTRAX054 – 1993

CD sleeve Heather Heywood cdtrax054

Tracks: The Sands o’ the Shore, Far Over the Forth, For a New Baby, False False Hae Ye Been, I Hae But Son, The Wandering Piper (tune), Jamie, The Wife of Ushers Well, Mistress Heywood’s Fancy (tune), The Dowie Dens o’ Yarrow, Some People Cry, MacCrimmon’s Lament, MacCrimmons Sweetheart (tune), The Corncrake Amang the Whinnie Knowes, Aye Wakin’ O, Young Watters, Paul’s Song

Some Kind of Love – Heather Heywood
Greentrax CDTRAX010 – 1987

CD sleeve Heather Heywood cdtrax010

Tracks: The Sally Gardens, Lord Lovat, Song for Ireland, Some Kind of Love, Let No man Steal Your Thyme, Bonnie Laddie Ye Gang By Me, My Bonnie Moorhen, The Cruel Mother, Wid Ye Gang Love.